Back to newgrounds, again.
Year ago, I opened an account here, but I have removed it shortly because I don't think I can manage that many accounts at once. However, I slowly getting annoyed by the spambots in SoundCloud since they do nothing but ripping my work and post it on YouTube; not only the spam problem, but also I got shadow ban for commenting with no reason, and the support team remained silent about that.
The poor service didn't convince me to subscribe their next pro plan, so I decided so seek something else; thus...
Hello everyone! This is Logickin, I am really excited to share my works here because making music is always my biggest hobbies which it is the best way to express my feeling and release my stress from where I lived. I mainly write Trance, Synthwave and Chiptune using SunVox, a music tracker with modular synths. Unlike my blog (SunVox Related, long post) or my mastodon (short post), this account is mainly for sharing music and finding cool arts from yours!
I am really excited to this new journey!