
35 Audio Reviews

15 w/ Responses

This is such a refreshing experience to listen a baroque piece in Newgounds, which is really unexpected.

Deemo-R responds:

One day it'll have a comeback lol

The fact you use musescore to make this tracks is impressive, how did you deal with the dynamics and sample delay from sample libraries?

ZappStone responds:

Usually it's a lot of tweaking, and the sheet music becomes rather odd because of it. There are however still things about this cover that I'm not happy about, because the creative control is limited.

This really brighten my mood during a tough assignment.
I didn't listen to lofi before, but now I found they have some merits.

Love the part when it smoothly transit from real instruments to chiptune, and smoothly switch it back by slowly adding the bass and piano.

The choir part kinda reminds me of Rhapsody of fire, awesome!

GarmaSn1 responds:

Thanks a lot!

The sliding synth brought me a good laugh, definitely a really fun and interesting track.

Well done!

rockyroadACID responds:

lol thanks

4 hour for this is impressive, considering that I need to spend at least a week to complete even juat a chiptune track.

The guitar sounds nice; are they sampled or generated by some SunVox karplus generator modules?

OVERSCORE responds:

Sometimes I get really focused when working on a project and am able to knock it out faster.

The guitar is heavily tweaked from Philip Bergwerf’s guitar module.

I have updated my way to calculate the score of the entries, which I have rated in multiple factors, then take the average for the final score. I did this because there are a lot of great tracks in this year, so I have to make the rating more strict to prevent everything to be a 6 or 7.

This is my favorite tracks in the whole 2024 compo and this is the only track that not only I have rated a 7, but also have a full score in every factors.

I love it so much that I was looping the sunvox file during working my coding assignment. The atmosphere is awesome, and I felt like I am peacefully sitting at a asian style shelter inside a bamboo forest, enjoying the surrounding with a nice, warm, gentle green tea. (perhaps it is the flute, which sounds quite asian)

The flute is top notch, it is so expressive and lively, definitely my favorite instrument in the track.

If I could rate a six stars in Newgounds, I definitely would.


This is my favorite tracks from yours.

I really love the vibe of the tracks which I can't really describe, especially the beginning which sound like earlier electronic music that you would find from kitaro.

Logickin here! I was a Software dev (now a master student), and I make music as hobbies using SunVox. And can't wait to share my tracks with you!

Kaark (Software Dev)

Joined on 1/11/24

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> 100,000
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4.28 votes
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> 100,000
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