
15 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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This is such a refreshing experience to listen a baroque piece in Newgounds, which is really unexpected.

Deemo-R responds:

One day it'll have a comeback lol

The fact you use musescore to make this tracks is impressive, how did you deal with the dynamics and sample delay from sample libraries?

ZappStone responds:

Usually it's a lot of tweaking, and the sheet music becomes rather odd because of it. There are however still things about this cover that I'm not happy about, because the creative control is limited.

The choir part kinda reminds me of Rhapsody of fire, awesome!

GarmaSn1 responds:

Thanks a lot!

The sliding synth brought me a good laugh, definitely a really fun and interesting track.

Well done!

rockyroadACID responds:

lol thanks

4 hour for this is impressive, considering that I need to spend at least a week to complete even juat a chiptune track.

The guitar sounds nice; are they sampled or generated by some SunVox karplus generator modules?

OVERSCORE responds:

Sometimes I get really focused when working on a project and am able to knock it out faster.

The guitar is heavily tweaked from Philip Bergwerf’s guitar module.

It is great. The guitar surely lacks a bit of force and it is a bit thin, but it works really well in this trance track.

Also, don't use Newgounds as a backup, and use it as a main instance instead because SoundCloud sucks so bad these days, where I got no new audience other than spambots. (besides the usual audience in my community) Also for some reason, the interface in Newgounds encourages me to explore new tracks much more than I was in SoundCloud where I only cares my own upload in there.

Sakita responds:

thanks for the feedback, i really appreciate it.
as for the reason i was using newgrounds as a backup, at first i wasn't really convinced by the limitations of what i was able to upload (mostly not being able to upload remixes of commercial tracks) and soundcloud seemed like the industry standard so grew quite fond of it after using it for so long, but it's true that it's filled with bots so i might consider using both of them for the time being.

Hello fellow tracker user!

This track gave me a strong tracker music vibe, and I was wondering if that is made from a tracker software; after reading the description and seeing "The Modarchives", everything makes sense now!

Love it so much!

DreaMSectioN responds:

Yes! It was made with Fasttracker 2
Good old times

After I have found your account, one of the things I did was: "Oh, I want to find that track I like which it includes a side-chained fmx piano and that groovy sub bass."

This is easily my favorite track from yours because every time I have been here, I have to listen this at least once; like other said, this track have a really dreamy feeling, especially the intro and the cool down.

OVERSCORE responds:

Thank you for the compliments! This is my best track imo so I’m glad you thought the same. That dreamy feeling was present in the original Time, but I didn’t have the technical skills to pull it off… this Time, it came out right

I was doing some coding assignment and I forget about stopping the music player. It has played a couple tracks, but this track has caught my attention. Awesome breakbeat!

SpeedoRH responds:

Haha that's interesting. I am glad you stumbled upon my track and decided to show appreciation! Good luck on your assignments ;)

For your second track, that is really good.

ApocaI responds:

Thanks, that was quick!

Logickin here! I was a Software dev (now a master student), and I make music as hobbies using SunVox. And can't wait to share my tracks with you!

Kaark (Software Dev)

Joined on 1/11/24

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